Reduce Your Credit Card Processing Fees Without Switching Providers
Eliminate unnecessary expenses from your merchant account—regardless of your processor.
The Reality of Card Processing Fees
Every time you accept a credit/debit card payment, a processing fee is deducted—and chances are, you're being overcharged by 10% to 30% on each transaction. Correcting this overpayment requires specialized expertise, and switching to a new processor is often a hassle you would prefer to avoid.
Get Charged Right identifies actionable strategies that can reduce your processing expenses without disrupting your current setup.
Our team does all the heavy lifting adding more of your generated revenue to your profits.
How to keep more from a seemingly “fixed” cost:
The Plan
We conduct a free comprehensive review and detailed analysis of every fee on your merchant account. Inspecting every fee, we are able to identify all potential savings opportunities.
The Execution
We apply our findings directly to your existing merchant account, implementing all identified savings on your behalf. We do all the heavy lifting.
We monitor your account on a monthly basis. Ensuring that your fees remain stable over time and that any annual rate adjustments are minimized or prevented.
Schedule an appointment
We are happy to answer any questions you have concerning your Card Processing Fees
Receive a free evaluation of your existing merchant account.